Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The latest!!!

I had a blast in Dallas!
I got to encourage some folks in Poetry!! ~and I  am so glad I can use my gift for God's Glory...
This Women Conference was GREAT, it was a blessing to be apart of it and I love all my new supporters in Dallas....and we sold out of CD's!! 

I did a poem entitled "Proverbs 31 Woman"  and the poem is all about a 2008 virtuous woman...thats why everybody in the picture looks so happy...because they're reassured after hearing the poem of who they really are! :-)

Check the poem out at

give me some feedback...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are any of those beautiful women Single.... ?

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    Allow me to introduce you to NICOLE LYRICC a passionate and soulful artist. Yeah let’s stick with “Artist” versus JUST Poet, Designer, Wardrobe Stylist, Painter, and so on. Best known as “The Soulful Story teller” Nicole prides herself on the vision of celebrating and successfully fusing ALL areas of the arts together as well as being relevant to today’s issues and God conscious. www.nicolelyricc .com