Here's a great moves to add to your Get it Girl Fitness routine!!
Target zone Abs!!
START: Start on your hands and knees. Tighten your abs, but maintain the natural lower back curve. Then raise your right leg straight up in back, stopping when your foot is hip level. Keep both hips even so that your abdomen faces down, not out to the side. Make sure that your elbows are not locked out and that your shoulders are not scrunched by your ears.
FINISH: When you feel stable with your right leg raised, raise the left arm up in front, stopping when it is horizontal and hip level. Hold this position by tightening all the muscles in your abs, butt and back. Raise the arm high enough to feel your shoulder blade flatten closer to your ribs, but do not raise your hand above your head. Look down and tuck your chin in to your neck, but avoid dropping your head below your shoulders. Keep all body parts in a straight line. Breathe normally. Then lower and repeat. Then switch sides.
Common Error: Over-arching the back when you raise your arm and leg
-MSN Fitness and Health
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