The good news: You don't have to employ a celebrity trainer or be 18 to have a waistline worth baring. The secret to a getting a trim belly--not to mention fit from head to toe--is tailoring your workouts according to your birthday. (Not that anyone will guess how old you are, once you start exercising consistently.)
Science shows that frequent sweat sessions can actually help you be forever young: When researchers studied the lifestyle habits and DNA of 2,400 twins, they found that regular exercisers had longer telomeres, tags at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with age, than their couch potato counterparts. In fact, as little as 30 minutes of activity daily resulted in telomeres that looked 10 years younger.
Follow the age-specific advice below and then try the get-lean routine. (Watch a full demo now at Self.com.) You'll be slimmer, more youthful and ab-fabulous in no time.
In your 20s: You're energetic and resilient, so it's the perfect time to make fitness a key component in your life. The following moves will help you sculpt sexy muscles and build bone, which is crucial for warding off osteoporosis in the future. Try using heavier weights than you're used to (doing the final rep should be challenging) and adding a third weekly session when time allows.
In your 30s: Reality check--there's a natural 5 percent dip in metabolism during this decade. But you can still be a lean fat-burning machine by doing the moves below. They will build muscle, which will naturally rev your metabolism so you torch more calories even in your sleep, as well as bolster core strength and maintain agility.
In your 40s and beyond: Sexy curves you have. Now you want to stay firm and injury-free. These shapers will help you boost your backside (an area which may naturally lose muscle as you age) and tone all over. To increase your flex appeal and decrease your overall injury risk, add a weekly yoga class or regular stretching to this routine.
The plan: No matter what your age, grab a set of 3- to 10-pound weights and complete two sets of each move twice a week on nonconsecutive days. Add 30 to 60 minutes of brisk cardio most days to slim and tone even faster.
MOVE 1: Sumo squat
Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Hold one weight in both hands directly overhead. Squat low and swing weight between legs and then forward, lifting it overhead, as you return to standing. Do 12 reps.
MOVE 2: Dragonfly
Start on all fours, a weight in each hand. Extend left leg behind you in line with body; extend right arm out to side at shoulder level. Keeping left leg lifted, curl weight toward chest. Straighten arm for one rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 3: Sidestepper
Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes out, a weight in each hand in front of thighs. Lunge to left side as you draw arms toward chest, elbows bent. Push off left foot and lower weights to return to start. Repeat on right for one rep. Do 12 reps.
MOVE 4: Gorgeous get-up
Kneel with a weight in each hand, arms overhead, palms in. Bring left leg forward, knee bent, thigh parallel to ground. Push off ball of foot to stand. Return to kneeling. Switch legs; repeat for one rep. Do 12 reps.
MOVE 5: Back attack
Lie facedown with legs pressed together; reach behind back, interlace fingers and draw shoulder blades together. Lift chest off ground as you kick heels toward butt with control three times for one rep. Return to start. Do 10 reps.
MOVE 6: Do-si-do
Stand with feet hip-width apart, a weight in each hand. Balance on left leg, knees soft, then lunge forward with right leg as you curl weights toward chest. Push off right foot to return to one-leg balance. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 7: T-rrific toner
Stand with feet hip-width apart, a weight in each hand, arms extended at shoulder level. Lift right leg back and lower torso forward until body forms a T, arms straight toward ground, palms in. Return to start. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 8: Turbo twist
Sit with legs out in front, knees bent. Hold one weight in both hands at chest level; lean back at a 45-degree angle. Maintain position as you contract abs and twist torso to right, then left for one rep. Do 12 reps.
MOVE 9: Bridge buffer
Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat, a weight in each hand, elbows bent. Lift hips as high as possible; raise left leg off ground in line with hips as you extend weights in line with shoulders. Keeping hips raised, lower left foot and arms. Switch legs for one rep. Do 12 reps.
Source: Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief
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