Monday, May 11, 2009


As I venture off into different areas of the Arts...I'm realizing more and more it takes a strong sense of self, confident and self-assurance...because when your in a real place of creativity, a deep intuitive place from inside of may not be out there yet and if no one has never seen it..they're less likely to accept it at first...but when you show that you are sure what your doing is dope, then you show the audience they can be sure what your doing is the next best thing too! I'm just saying

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    Allow me to introduce you to NICOLE LYRICC a passionate and soulful artist. Yeah let’s stick with “Artist” versus JUST Poet, Designer, Wardrobe Stylist, Painter, and so on. Best known as “The Soulful Story teller” Nicole prides herself on the vision of celebrating and successfully fusing ALL areas of the arts together as well as being relevant to today’s issues and God conscious. www.nicolelyricc .com