Friday, February 27, 2009
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.- 1 Corinthians 13;11
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

21+, $5
TO RSVP:@1908-938-4118
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Nicole Lyricc was featured at R&B LIVE DC!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
New York Post Racist Cartoon Slanders President Obama

Thursday, February 19, 2008 at 12 Noon
New York Post Offices
1211 Avenue of the Americas (between 47th & 48th Sts)
New York, NY
The New York Post maligned President Barak Obama in an overtly racist cartoon depicting two police officers, one is pointing a smoking gun at a large chimpanzee lying on the ground clearly shot dead. The caption reads, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill.”
The cartoon in Wednesday’s (2/18/09) edition on the infamous “Page Six,” is a crass distortion of a recent horrific incident in which a 200 pound pet chimpanzee mauls a woman and police shoot and kill him.
NYC Councilman Charles Barron has called for A City Wide Emergency Protest Demonstration. Th e protest will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 12 noon in front of the New York Post's main offices at 1211 Avenue of the Americas (between 47th and 48th Streets) New York, NY.
“The clearly racist tone is outrageous,” said Colette Pean of the Women for Obama. “We are in support of Councilman Barron, and we must let the New York Post know this will not be tolerated by the people in this city.”
Invited speakers joining Councilman Barron include Reverend Al Sharpton of the National Action Network, NYC, State Senator Bill Perkins, State Assemblywoman Inez Barron, Viola Plummer of the Women for Obama, Monica Moorehead of the International Action Center, and representatives of the Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive To African People (CEMOTAP), the December 12th Movement, NAACP-Jamaica Queens, Harriet Tubman Collective, Black Men’s Movement, and many others.
Women For Obama
c/o Sistas Place
456 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Phone (718) 398-1766
Fax (718) 623-1855
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
25 Random things about me!
1. I had a sincere interested in someone!
2. I deeply desire to be a mother but not ready right now.
3. I always wanted to live in NYC and pursue my career and I am doing just that.
4. My favorite color in teal green and purple.
5. I am constantly seeking the humbleness to hear God everyday he speaks to me.
6. I don't think I could survive without my many creative outlets.
7. I love being around other creative people but sometimes I secretly feel intimidate then inspired to step my creative game up.
8. I love fascinating/random facts!
9. My favorite quote is by Ralph Waldo Emerson~"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that IMITATION IS SUICIDE; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion;.... "
10. I am wondering if I have ever really been in love..How can you be in love in a relationship if God isn't the center of it? God is Love!
11. I like animals!
12. I wish I was taller.
14. I preformed poetry at Madison Square Garden....only through the grace of God.
15. I was homeless before.
16. I will never be broke another day of my life.....INCREASE!
17. I am not a good speller.
18. I like sports.
19. I love Roll-a-costers
20. I have alot of secrets I've never told anyone that will be in the Book I'm writing.
21. I am overly excited to be creating an album.
22. I always wanted to be a singer.
23. I never get tired of watching The Martin Show.LOL
24. I don't have a (Dating/Men) type, I am attracted to guys for random reasons, traits and/or features.
25. I have never known love like this, until I developed a personal relationship with the Lord!
2. I deeply desire to be a mother but not ready right now.
3. I always wanted to live in NYC and pursue my career and I am doing just that.
4. My favorite color in teal green and purple.
5. I am constantly seeking the humbleness to hear God everyday he speaks to me.
6. I don't think I could survive without my many creative outlets.
7. I love being around other creative people but sometimes I secretly feel intimidate then inspired to step my creative game up.
8. I love fascinating/random facts!
9. My favorite quote is by Ralph Waldo Emerson~"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that IMITATION IS SUICIDE; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion;.... "
10. I am wondering if I have ever really been in love..How can you be in love in a relationship if God isn't the center of it? God is Love!
11. I like animals!
12. I wish I was taller.
14. I preformed poetry at Madison Square Garden....only through the grace of God.
15. I was homeless before.
16. I will never be broke another day of my life.....INCREASE!
17. I am not a good speller.
18. I like sports.
19. I love Roll-a-costers
20. I have alot of secrets I've never told anyone that will be in the Book I'm writing.
21. I am overly excited to be creating an album.
22. I always wanted to be a singer.
23. I never get tired of watching The Martin Show.LOL
24. I don't have a (Dating/Men) type, I am attracted to guys for random reasons, traits and/or features.
25. I have never known love like this, until I developed a personal relationship with the Lord!
Favorite Quote
Words to live by....
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion; Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion; Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Rick Warren Interview
You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his
wife now
having cancer and him having "wealth" from the book sales. This
is an
absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren,
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a
life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last
forever, and God
wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of
my body but
not the end of me.
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend
trillions of
years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress
rehearsal. God wants
us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.
We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out,
life isn't
going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're
just coming
out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.
The reason for this is that God is more interested in your
character than
your comfort.
God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in
making your
life happy.
We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the
goal of life.
The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.
This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also
the toughest,
with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.
I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through
a dark
time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't
believe that
Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's
kind of like
two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have
something good and
something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always
something bad
that needs to be worked on.
And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always
good you can thank God for.
You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your
If you focus on your problems, you're going into
self-centeredness,"which is
my problem, my issues, my pain." But one of the easiest ways to
get rid of
pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.
We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds
of thousands
of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for
It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened
character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given
her a
testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of
Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder.
For instance,
this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million
copies, it
made me instantly very wealthy.
It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal
with before.
I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego
or for you
to live a life of ease.
So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money,
notoriety and
influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me
decide what to
do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change
lifestyle one bit. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a
salary from the
Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The
Peace Plan to
plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the
sick, and
educate the next generation.
Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24
years since I
started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to
be able to
serve God for free.
We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions?
Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness?
Materialism? Or am
I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?
When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and
say, God, if I
don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and
love You
better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list.
He's more
interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his
wife now
having cancer and him having "wealth" from the book sales. This
is an
absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren,
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a
life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last
forever, and God
wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of
my body but
not the end of me.
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend
trillions of
years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress
rehearsal. God wants
us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.
We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out,
life isn't
going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're
just coming
out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.
The reason for this is that God is more interested in your
character than
your comfort.
God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in
making your
life happy.
We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the
goal of life.
The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.
This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also
the toughest,
with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.
I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through
a dark
time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't
believe that
Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's
kind of like
two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have
something good and
something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always
something bad
that needs to be worked on.
And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always
good you can thank God for.
You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your
If you focus on your problems, you're going into
self-centeredness,"which is
my problem, my issues, my pain." But one of the easiest ways to
get rid of
pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.
We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds
of thousands
of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for
It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened
character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given
her a
testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of
Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder.
For instance,
this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million
copies, it
made me instantly very wealthy.
It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal
with before.
I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego
or for you
to live a life of ease.
So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money,
notoriety and
influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me
decide what to
do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change
lifestyle one bit. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a
salary from the
Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The
Peace Plan to
plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the
sick, and
educate the next generation.
Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24
years since I
started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to
be able to
serve God for free.
We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions?
Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness?
Materialism? Or am
I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?
When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and
say, God, if I
don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and
love You
better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list.
He's more
interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Parda Edition
So a couple weeks ago we high-lighted a huge trend for Spring 2009 Accessories report as being "Futurist Animal Prints and Skins". Keep in mind, It's the LOOK not just the designer! We have to consider the tight budget most of us are dealing with rightnow but you can still be chic with a not so expensive designer or shopping at a great thrift store if you know what to look for. Let's zero in on one of the most classic yet fashion-forward line out there today, Prada! Take a look at their take on this trend and get some great ideas for your personal closets from their 2009 Spring Ready-to-Wear Accessory Collection.

So a couple weeks ago we high-lighted a huge trend for Spring 2009 Accessories report as being "Futurist Animal Prints and Skins". Keep in mind, It's the LOOK not just the designer! We have to consider the tight budget most of us are dealing with rightnow but you can still be chic with a not so expensive designer or shopping at a great thrift store if you know what to look for. Let's zero in on one of the most classic yet fashion-forward line out there today, Prada! Take a look at their take on this trend and get some great ideas for your personal closets from their 2009 Spring Ready-to-Wear Accessory Collection.

I love Animals!!
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About Me
- Nicole Lyricc
- Allow me to introduce you to NICOLE LYRICC a passionate and soulful artist. Yeah let’s stick with “Artist” versus JUST Poet, Designer, Wardrobe Stylist, Painter, and so on. Best known as “The Soulful Story teller” Nicole prides herself on the vision of celebrating and successfully fusing ALL areas of the arts together as well as being relevant to today’s issues and God conscious. www.nicolelyricc .com